Mission Statement,
Vision, & Values
Our Mission
The Stanislaus Arts Council supports, promotes, and advocates for artists and creative endeavors of all forms that provide essential cultural opportunities for our community in Stanislaus County.
Our Vision
Through education, exhibition, financial support, and the recognition of artistic excellence we will endeavor to create a vibrant cultural presence for the people of Stanislaus County.
Our Values
The Stanislaus Arts Council is organized for the planning, coordination, support, and promotion of local arts programs and local artists.
We are committed to championing policies and practices of racial and cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, and equitable community.
We shall seek to increase private and public sector support for existing and proposed cultural and educational activity within Stanislaus County.
We shall develop and promote arts programs throughout all communities within our operational sphere.
We shall serve as the State/Local Partner of the California Arts Council as a regional voice representing artistic issues and advocacy.
We shall promote cooperative relations among artistic groups and aid their activities and projects.
We shall serve as a clearinghouse and coordinating body for information on the arts to broaden, deepen and diversify public participation.
We shall work in partnership with artists, arts organizations, community groups, businesses, governmental agencies, and educational institutions to strengthen the accessibility and impact of the arts as aesthetic, personal, economic and social resources.